Questions and answers about

  • Agressive battery saving in some Android versions

    Huawei (EMUI)

    1. Settings / Apps & Notifications
    2. Select 'Apps'
    3. Select RBiker App from the list
    4. Select 'Battery' menu
    5. Select 'Launch' option
    6. Uncheck 'Manage automatically', and allow manual options as below

    Xiaomi (MIUI)

    1. Settings / Battery
    2. Select 'Choose apps'
    3. Select RBiker
    4. Select 'No restrictions'



  • Who do we recommend this application?

    - For those who ride alone, and for those who ride with others.
    - For those who'd like to meet new people and find new friends.
    - For those who'd like to recall the travelled kilometers a few years later, as like in a "map based photo album".
    - For every rider who wants to keep their friends and family updated about where he is actually.
    - For riders who are interested in their average speed and top speed on tours.
    - For tour organisers who can make invitations guided with route details and photos.

    In one word for those who love bikes, to ride, and would like to meet others with the same thinking.

  • What can we use this app for?

    - motorcycle tours can be recorded and shared,
    - to build a rider community
    - to plan and organise tours

  • Do I lose my recorded tours if I buy a new phone?

    Recorded tours are uploaded to the website, can be downloaded to any phone by just logging in.

  • Why are there two types of sharing?

    With the facebook sharing option you are able to post the tour on facebook. The other share is for saving the tour on and make it visible for your friends or anyone.

  • Can I modify the names of my tours?

    Yes. We recommend to give a name which refers to geolocation as searching is also possible by tour names.

  • Is the mobile application usable without internet connection?

    Yes. To record the tour an active GPS connection is needed only. Later, with internet connection the tour can be reviewed with visible map.

  • How can I share the tour on Facebook?

    In the application, there is a facebook-share option. (requires login)

  • How can I browse in my saved tours?

    Both the mobile and the web application has tour list.

  • How can I create a personal profile?

    On the web, through the registration process. You can upload pictures of yourself and of your bike(s).

  • How can I delete my account?

    If you ever feel like, you don't want to be a part of our excellent community, you can quickly and easily delete yourself (or your account).


    For the deletion:

    1. if you are not logged in, log in!
    2. from the main menu, choose "Profile" -> "Personal data"
    3. slide down to the bottom of the page until you see a red button with the "Delete account" caption
    4. if you truly decided to delete your account, click on the "Delete account" button you previously found
    5. after this step you'll have one more chance to change your mind, because we'll ask if you are sure
    6. if you are really and totally sure, then click on OK and your account is gone and over
    7. after the OK please don't change your mind, because we can't restore anything that you just destroyed with some clicks

    These instructions are theoretical (but they work as well of course), since who in the world would delete their RBiker profile?